Microsoft Surface Tutorial
Note: As a courtesy to our customers, we provide online tutorials on how to configure various email software. Our staff, however, are not able to provide support on how to use the Microsoft Surface tablet or its Mail application. For further assistance in using Mail please visit Microsoft's Surface support pages.
Your email setting can be found by logging into your webmail here and then clicking on [Mail Client Configuration].
Setup an email account on the Microsoft Surface website tutorial
- 1. Open Mail
- 2. Perform a left slide by putting your finger at the edge of the right hand side of the screen and slide it towards your left
- 3. Tap Settings
- 4. Tap Accounts
- 5. Tap Add an account
- 6. Tap Other account
- 7. Tap IMAP
- 8. Tap Connect
- 9. Tap Show more details
- 10. Fill in the following details:
Email Address/Username: The email address you are sending email from.
Password: The password used for this email account.
Incoming (IMAP) email server: mail.yourdomain.com.au, where yourdomain.com.au is your domain name. Set the port to 143.
Incoming server requires SSL: Unselected
Outgoing (SMTP) email server: mail.yourdomain.com.au, where yourdomain.com.au is your domain name. Set the port to 26.
Outgoing server requires SSL: Unselected
Outgoing sever requires authentication: Selected.
Use the same username and password to send and receive mail: Selected
- 11. Tap Connect